Marketing Analytics Internship at Tech Startup – Paid
Marketing Analytics Internship at Tech Startup – Paid
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  • If you’re have trouble applying, send application documents to with the link under “Other Details” on right-hand side of page.
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  • Posted on:

    23rd of April 2024 at 4:56 AM

  • Time Left:

    2 days, 19 hours, 37 min

    If you do not see an Apply Button, application instructions are in the Description field.
Job or Project Description
We are an angel-funded tech startup in the food space that is going to revolutionize the way consumers cook healthy food from recipes.

We are looking for two smart, hungry, and diligent interns immediately for key short-term part-time roles in data cleaning, scrubbing, and analysis, and developing quickly into full-time roles in marketing and customer support analytics. This is very much a ground-floor, "get your feet wet" type of role with huge potential and an opportunity to work directly with the 3 co-founders. This role is ideally suited for college students looking to enter the startup world.

In the beginning, the work will involve analyzing data in our back-end system using a web interface we created and ensuring it's accuracy, as well as identifying systemic issues, patterns, and areas for improvement.

Based on successful completion of the initial project, we expect this may quickly turn into a full-time summer internship and potentially a full time, permanent position in multiple areas of the company.

No previous experience necessary, however strong familiarity with the web, a critical analytical eye for detail, and an interest and passion for food is a major plus.

Some of the work may be performed off-site, but initially interns will be required to spend some time at our offices located near 27th and Park.

This is a part-time, hourly paid position to start.

Please attach current copy of your resume with a cover letter in the body of your application.

Please make your cover letter short and sweet and address the following in bullet points:

* Academic situation (full-time enrolled college student, graduated, etc.)
* Previous work experience (if any)
* Previous data analysis experience (if any)
* Previous data scrubbing / quality control experience (if any)
* Experience and interest in food and cooking
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